Mt. Ararat

528Hz Meditation

About Mt. Ararat

Mount Ararat is traditionally considered the resting place of Noah’s Ark, and, thus, considered a biblical mountain. Mount Ararat has been associated with the Genesis account since the 11th century, and Armenians began to identify it as the ark’s landing place during that time.

Our wistful Duduk soloist improvises for over an hour, with the National Philharmonic Chorus gently accompanying him. The Armenian Duduk is the traditional association of Noah’s Ark in Armenia.

The occasional piano, violin, cello, and flute is heard; but they’re so subtle that you wouldn’t notice them without being told.

Halfway through the track, a gentle pulse begins, creating a sense of positive drive, energy and commitment.

Mt. Ararat has a 528Hz meditation healing frequency through the track, promoting miracles and transformations like DNA repair, and cleanses the soul and body from disease and sickness.

Recorded in 3D Binaural Sound, when you listen with headphones, the sound doesn’t just appear to come from your two ears; it sounds like the orchestra and music are all around you – above, below, to the sides and behind.  A truly immersive and spiritual experience.

Mt. Ararat was recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, with the National Philharmonic Orchestra.

Track Options:

We have three track lengths

Each track comes with a compressed MP3 file (smaller file size) and a broadcast quality WAV file (larger file size).  The tracks are identical, the only difference is the file type.







The cost of royalty-free music is higher than normal music because it includes a license fee.  

This license enables you to use the music pretty much anywhere, such as meditation recordings, YouTube videos, social media accounts, or even at your business location!

We do not charge additional fees, and you do not need permission from us to use the tracks.  You do with them what you want! 

bundle deal
do not delete

Can't decide which length of track to get?

The Complete Mt. Ararat Bundle

Bundle all the Mt. Ararat tracks together and receive the three version lengths in one download for a discounted rate of $295 (value $417)

NPO at Abbey Road
music, power, underestimate