
396Hz Meditation

About Shambhala

Shambhala is the name of a mythical kingdom in Central Asia where the people enjoyed harmony, good health, and well-being. The basis for such an enlightened society is the people’s confidence and respect for inherent goodness, wisdom, and dignity—in themselves, in each other, and society.

One of our National Philharmonic Chorus soloists treats you to a chant based on the ‘Soul Language’, a fantasy language to enhance the connection with the self.

Accompanied by the 60-piece string section of the National Philharmonic Orchestra.

There is a sense of watching the sunrise, hearing the birds awake, and feeling the natural wonder of the sun’s rays on your skin.

The meditation has the root healing drone of 396Hz, releasing fear and guilt.  In combination with this Chakra, we use Solfeggio Frequencies within our mantra for harmony and peace.

This meditation does not include a rhythmic pulse, but instead has beautiful sounds appear from behind clouds, and then fade out over the horizon.

Recorded in 3D Binaural Sound, when you listen with headphones, the sound doesn’t just appear to come from your two ears; it sounds like the orchestra and music are all around you – above, below, to the sides and behind.  A truly spiritual experience.

Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, with the National Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus.

Track Options:

We have three track lengths

Each track comes with a compressed MP3 file (smaller file size) and a broadcast quality WAV file (larger file size).  The tracks are identical, the only difference is the file type.







The cost of royalty-free music is higher than normal music because it includes a license fee.  

This license enables you to use the music pretty much anywhere, such as meditation recordings, YouTube videos, social media accounts, or even at your business location!

We do not charge additional fees, and you do not need permission from us to use the tracks.  You do with them what you want! 

bundle deal
do not delete

Can't decide which length of track to get?

The Complete Shambhala Bundle

Bundle all the Shambhala tracks together and receive the three version lengths in one download for a discounted rate of $295 (value $417)

NPO at Abbey Road
music, power, underestimate